
Random Fact #18


Random Fact #18 : You may already know this, but those that don't ... Pook and I are high school sweethearts.


I feel like anytime someone asks how Pook and I met, and I say, "oh we met in high school", it never fails ... I always get the same response, "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww high school sweet hearts!" I think it sounds so waaaaaaaa-waaaaaish. I wish I could say that we met, that one time we were in Africa wondering through the terrain with the Crocadile Hunter (ummm yeah, before he was dead), when we happened to run into one another. But no instead I'm stuck with what I have. Oh well, I'd rather have a boring "how we met story" than an exciting "how we met story" with any other person in America. I love you Pook!

The day we met ... many moons ago





Meghan said...

I loved seeing these pictures Lane! What wonderful memories you two must have!

Stephanie said...

My husband and I are high school sweethearts too. And I just did a post on my family blog about it on Saturday! http://daugherty-family-news.blogspot.com How funny!